Author - Anja van Kralingen

Common Dream Archetypes

This is a Guest Post by Patricia Duggan. Carl Jung believed that dreams had their own language. The things we see in our dreams are not signs that represent one specific idea, but rather fluid images to which we ascribe meaning based on our individual experiences. Dreams may reveal truths, philosophical revelations, illusions, fantasies, memoires, plans, irrational experiences or even prophetic visions. The images in our dreams are ultimately representations of our own unconscious. Although they come from our individual minds, many images...

What lies beneath

Stephen was (as usual) explaining a philosophical concept to me. Thank God for him, else I would be a total ignoramus. The Hard Problem of Consciousness in The Philosophy of Mind is this. You can explain in molecular detail the chemical composition of Coca Cola, but you cannot explain what it is like to drink it. This is the problem ' we can't explain what it is like to have an experience, whether it is listening to music, tasting chocolate mousse,...

A Guide to The Secret Life of Complexes

Do you ever behave in a manner which leaves you wondering what the hell you were thinking? Something came over you? You were possessed? You are not the master of your own house. You must have had that experience where the wrong thing pops out of your mouth and you are so embarrassed that you wish the earth would open up and swallow you. Or you lose it and scream like a banshee at someone. Or you are confronted with a dilemma...

How do you recognize your destiny?

I don't know about you, but when I hear the word 'Destiny', it completely intimidates me. What? Am I supposed to save the world or sacrifice myself? I remember as a small child in Sunday school being totally freaked out by the minister. He said 'God has already ordained your destiny and when he calls you, you must answer, because not answering will render your life useless! You will never succeed at anything else but God's will.' Hectic! This had a profound impact...

Eric the Vampire Viking: Man or Mouse?

Ok, I confess! Stephen and I love True Blood. (it is very psychological, OK!!!) We are currently watching Season 4; and oh what a disappointment! Eric, Vampire, Viking….. hot, hot, HOT! Or rather he used to be… . For those of you unfamiliar with 'True Blood' and the various characters, let me explain. Eric is over 1000 years old. He is a Viking made Vampire and he is BAD! Hot but BAD! And if your thing is bad boys, he is it. But...

Beware, the Facebook “Friend”.

An ex- lover of mine contacted me on Facebook. We had a love affair when I was 20. He was so beautiful! It turned out that he stays in the same suburb as me and asked me to meet for coffee. So I mentioned to Stephen that my former lover wants to have coffee… 'What are you going to do?' He asked, suspiciously. I thought I would tease him and raised one eyebrow . 'No, I am not comfortable with that!' he proclaimed. 'Don't you...

Comfort Junkies beware! : The 30 day challenge

According to Rudolf Steiner the greatest obstacle modern man faces is the love of ease, or in modern terms, being a comfort junkie. Now this really rang true for me because I am the ultimate comfort junkie. Don't ask me to do anything out of my comfort zone, I will sulk. Of course this is really limiting, because I hardly ever challenge myself to do anything that lies outside my comfort and capability range. Not to say that I don't do...

Enchantment and Disenchantment: Do You Live in Wonder?

Do you not intuit in the darkness the eternal sources of our transient being- Freidrich Nietzsche, Being or Existence. Do you have the capacity to still be astonished by life, by this world we live in, does the profound mystery of your being occur to you as you lie awake and alone in the dark, does the majesty of nature, the courage of the human spirit, the sublime melancholy of great art, and the glorious symphony of timeless music fill your...

The Childish Pursuit of Happiness

'”Well,” said Pooh, “what I like best,” and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called. What a lovely piece of writing. It fills me with happiness just to read it. And yes I am capable of these types of feelings of happiness, fleeting as they...

Young, dumb and full of cum

Well, I was listening to Redi's show a few months ago and heard her speechless for the first time ever. I am not sure what the topic was when I tuned in, but I caught a young man (let's call him John) phoning in to say that if he spends his hard earned cash taking a woman out to dinner, he will be expecting her to 'put out' later. Afterwards, men were sms'ing and phoning to say that guys like...