Author - Anja van Kralingen

Do you know Right from Wrong?

During my anthroposophy class we discussed the concept of personal ethics. In Anthroposophy it is quite specific, in the sense that you need to act out of a position of love, which is selfless and has the other's best interest at heart. Ok, this is an ideal that is obviously REALLY hard to achieve, but the bottom line is that your personal ethics have to act as the foundation of your psyche. Your intentions and decisions need to be rooted...

The Problem with the Payoff

A few weeks ago, I was driving listening to Doctor Eve on Redi's show. I just caught a bit of the show, and I think it was about alcoholism linked to sex addiction. A woman had phoned in to complain about her friend who constantly embarrasses her when they go out on the weekend, because she gets totally pissed and then flirts with strangers and would go with them if the caller did not stop her. The caller said that the...

Five Building Blocks to Healthy Loving

How do you love? Can one define the concept of love? Love is an abstract word which elicits complex emotions and feelings in all of us, expressing many things. But what does it mean to you? That is the real question. How the question came about I see a wonderful healer who calls herself a kinesiologist, but really she is so much more. In any case, I took my daughter there a while ago and during the session, she asked Margaret how she...

The Long Road to Consciousness.

How does one become conscious? I think that I have achieved some level of consciousness, but how did I get here and what does it mean? I have been thinking about this for a while and decided that writing down my thoughts might help me to express it clearly. The first steps Having been exposed to Jungian concepts for more than a decade and doing quite a bit of internal work, I have joined a Rudolf Steiner study group (Anthroposophy) about a...

Do You Long For The Freedom of Your Chains?

This is a guest post by Ryan Parker. I was recently privileged enough to spend two weeks on holiday in the UK, in part visiting Stephen, during his marathon sabbatical, and in part simply spending time in London visiting as many places of personal interest as time and money would allow. Naturally, being a competitive Jo'burger I couldn't help comparing life in London with life in Johannesburg and actively seeking out the positives and negatives of both places. In the course of...

The Problem with Heaven

I think we have to consider the possibility that the church may be fibbing when they tell us about heaven. To clarify, by: church- I am referring to all forms of religion which propose an afterlife in paradise.The problem, as I understand it, is if you or I were to find ourselves in a place where all our problems had been resolved, a utopia where we knew only bliss, where all the problems we have, ever...