Tag - synchronicity

Reeva and Oscar: A Mythological Perspective from Jung

This post is an application of Jungian theory to offer an alternative way of understanding the tragic event of Reeva Steenkamp’s death at the hands of Oscar Pistorius. It is a continuation of the post A bullet in the chamber: a Jungian perspective on a murderous gun complex Reeva painted these pictures when she was 14, they've been in the house for a long time now, but we never really realized what they were about. here is a man standing...

Is it Meaningful or Random? Part 2 – An irrational Perspective (in defence of synchronicity)

Part 2 of 2 Read Part 1 first The question is whether our experience of 'meaningful' coincidences, such as Jung's synchronicity, is actually meaningful or is it merely a meaningless symptom of the laws of probability. And if conclude that it is meaningful what do we mean by that? Meaning is not rational it is irrational. Let's look at how the Oxford English Dictionary defines the word meaning: 1) What is meant by a word or idea (isn't that a tautology?) 2) a sense...

Is it Meaningful or Random? Part 1 – A Rational Perspective

This is part 1 of a 2 part post. The question is whether our experience of 'meaningful' coincidences, such as Jung's synchronicity, is actually meaningful or is it merely a meaningless symptom of the laws of probability. And if conclude that it is meaningful what do we mean by that? I have long been fascinated by Jung's concept of synchronicity , a term which has been almost wholly absorbed into the New Age Movement and is an expression in common...