Author - Anja van Kralingen

The Memories, Dreams, (and) Reflections of Linda Hawkins

The following piece, written by Linda Hawkins, is both a review of Jung's biographical book MDR (Memories, Dreams, Reflections) as well as her own reflections on life, the universe and everything in it; including her encounters over the last year with Applied Jungian Psychology.   Memories, Dreams, Reflections catapulted me into the depths of my own being; it has left me shaken, stirred, fuelled and ready for the next part of my own journey. Jung’s ability to share the story of his...

The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other by James Hollis

A book review by Tasha Tollman In the Eden Project, Jungian Analyst James Hollis, examines the psychodynamics of relationships.  Not as a practical guide on how to fix relationships but as a hard hitting examination of the myth of romantic love, the myth that a “Magical Other” will give us comfort from this world, love us eternally, complete us.  As Hollis himself says “It’s premises may be disappointing to some and as a matter of fact I don’t care much...

The Painful Experience of Free Will

After Stephen wrote his blog The birth of self, I felt compelled to add my 2 cents worth to the topic. It is quite a hard one to understand, yet very interesting and we have discussed it many times over the years. Does Free Will really exist? Philosophers have been debating the concept of free will for centuries. The main question is, do we have free will? This may sound ridiculous, but let's use the simple example of you deciding to drink...

Inner Work (book review): Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth

Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth, by Robert A. Johnson Book review by Tasha Tollman Judging by the plethora of books on dream interpretation that can be found in most book shops, we all want to know what our dreams mean and pioneering Jungian Analyst, Robert Johnson explores avenues into the unconscious as they pertain to reading the symbolic language of dreams, engaging in Active Imagination and the use of ceremony and fantasy. In Inner Work, Johnson provides...

Introducing Jungian Psychology by Robin Robertson (book review)

Tasha Tollman reviews an Introduction to Jungian Psychology. In Introducing Jungian Psychology, Dr Robertson provides the reader with the overall feel of Jungian psychology, sketching out a basic outline of the concepts and providing modern day examples.The book introduces the concepts of conscious, personal unconscious and collective unconscious as Roberston unpacks the structure and dynamics of the psyche; the meaning of dreams; personality types and archetypes before presenting Jung’s more abstract concepts about the processes that interact as one struggles...

Digesting Jung – by Daryl Sharp (book review)

Tasha Tollman reviews Digesting Jung   Call it coincidence, synchronicity, destiny, fate – in one moment my life collided with the work of Carl Gustav Jung and changed forever. At that moment I became a stranger travelling in some exotic land where the natives spoke a peculiar language using words like “persona”, “shadow”, “anima/animus”, “typology”, “projection”, “complexes”, “archetypes” and “individuation” - words that resonated deep inside of me and called me to a journey of self-development and individuation.  Searching for a...

Why Sandplay therapy?

This is a guest article written by Dr. Celia van Wyk.

An Introduction. While studying for my BA in Counselling, my lecturer one day approached me, asking if I would be interested in attending an information session on sandplay therapy. As an ex-teacher who felt that I had “moved on” since my teaching years, more working with adults at that point, I was not particularly interested. She asked me again a while later, and I decided to attend for the sake...

Why Compassion is so important

I am currently busy with my  MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology. My most recent assignment requires a group of us to produce a presentation and paper on one of the lectures available on the Science and Medical Network. We chose lectures by Professor Paul Gilbert who is the Head of the Mental Health research unit at the University of Derby. His research into the processes that underpin shame has led him to incorporate compassion meditation in...

Surviving loss

My mother is 73. Last year August my father passed away and she was left alone after 52 years of marriage. A few months later, due to miscommunication, all the trees in her back garden were cut down. She was devastated. Three weeks ago, she was attacked, robbed, tied up and left for dead. She was only found two days later. She is now moving to a retirement village when she gets released from hospital. She has suffered a tremendous amount of loss. Her husband,...

A Bullet in the Chamber: A Jungian Perspective on a Murderous Gun Complex

Oscar Pistorius shot and killed his girlfriend on Valentines Day. He was devastated and cried uncontrollably at his first court appearance and frequently at his bail hearing. His affidavit stated that that he believed that there was a burglar in his bathroom whom he shot, only to realise to his horror that he had shot Reeva Steenkamp. Whether his version of events is true or whether, as the state claims, the killing was in fact intentional, i.e. murder, remains undecided....