Tag - compassion

Christmas in Africa, “Ubuntu” the true symbolism and meaning of the season

This is a guest blog by Dr Leslee Brown from www.mindbodypassport.com

It is such an odd occurrence to be in the southern hemisphere during the holiday season. We all think of snow, Christmas trees, Rudolph, Santa, and twinkling lights. We are usually busy in a hectic rush, madly shopping for the perfect gifts, organizing parties, and decorating our houses and preparing for our big Christmas feasts. We all think nostalgically or longingly for spending time by a roaring fire with...

Why Compassion is so important

I am currently busy with my  MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology. My most recent assignment requires a group of us to produce a presentation and paper on one of the lectures available on the Science and Medical Network. We chose lectures by Professor Paul Gilbert who is the Head of the Mental Health research unit at the University of Derby. His research into the processes that underpin shame has led him to incorporate compassion meditation in...