Yearly Archives - 2011

Just how Curious are You?

As people we always want to know things. We are incurably curious you might say. We want to know about what the neighbours are doing, what the latest celebrity gossip is, what the headlines are, who won the presidential election, when does the newest TV show start, who won the soccer, what time will they be here and so on. The list is endless: Who What Where When Why How How much With whom What for Now in that spirit let's ask another question, a question about the nature of curiosity itself....

Archetype of the Ideal Man

I have been wondering recently what the ideal man looks like today. In a broader sense what does the ideal person look like? But in terms of applying Jungian theory it may be easier to look at the question from the perspective of a single gender, in this case a man. And possibly we can infer something about the ideal woman from there. Firstly let's contextualise the question. When I talk of an ideal man (today) what I am referring to...

Time for the Truth

“Whilst it is questionable whether or not honesty is always the best policy, what is beyond doubt is that truth is superior to any policy." To be frank I have always had an ambivalent relationship with truth. Without making a messy and perhaps inappropriate confession let me just say I have not always been convinced of its preeminent value in the greater scheme of things. The question 'is truth the most important thing?' comes up in the Matrix Workshop. And I...