
Counter-transference:the Obscene Other

In my last post Transference: the Saviour the Madonna and the Slut, I dealt with the issue of transference and some of the ways this affects our lives and our relationships. Now I want us to consider the flipside of that coin, counter-transference. Simply, counter-transference is what happens when someone transfers onto you and you react to their transference. This reaction can take two typical forms: You transfer your unconscious contents onto them in response to their transference, which means...

Transference:the Saviour, the Madonna and the Slut

At the very heart of psychoanalysis is the issue of transference- counter transference. Transference is a technical term describing a somewhat mysterious phenomenon that occurs when the patient 'transfers' their relationship with one or both of their parents onto the psychoanalyst. We are dealing with this topic in the November Foundation Module, and I want to share just a little about it with you. When we say they 'transfer' this relationship, what is meant is that, this is done unconsciously. On...

Why Sandplay therapy?

This is a guest article written by Dr. Celia van Wyk.

An Introduction. While studying for my BA in Counselling, my lecturer one day approached me, asking if I would be interested in attending an information session on sandplay therapy. As an ex-teacher who felt that I had “moved on” since my teaching years, more working with adults at that point, I was not particularly interested. She asked me again a while later, and I decided to attend for the sake...