
Archetype of the Ideal Man

I have been wondering recently what the ideal man looks like today. In a broader sense what does the ideal person look like? But in terms of applying Jungian theory it may be easier to look at the question from the perspective of a single gender, in this case a man. And possibly we can infer something about the ideal woman from there. Firstly let's contextualise the question. When I talk of an ideal man (today) what I am referring to...

Your Daemon, Your Genius

I'm not sure when I first realised that the old Greeks had it right, daemons (or 'demons'?) do exist, but it was a while back. It came to me the way knowledge comes to us sometimes, slowly and quietly like a lover in the dead of night. Even before the idea was fully formed though, I realised on some level that oftentimes the daemon and the splinter of light that shone in someone's soul were one and the same. I...

Lost and The Spirit Temple

Spoiler Warning. Saturday night saw the end of an era. A television series so compelling that it almost makes the invention of TV justifiable. The final episode of the series Lost has aired. This marks the end of a journey that began in 2004 and has taken an average of 16 million viewers (per episode) on a mysterious, nail biting, brilliantly written, acted and sublimely produced journey. A journey which for six years, six seasons and 117 episodes kept us all guessing...

What did Zorba the Greek know that many of us have forgotten?

The very first movie image I remember seeing, as a child, is the scene of Zorba (acted by Anthony Quinn) dancing naked down the beach into the sea, to the well known theme song. The movie was Zorba the Greek. It was actually the last scene in the movie and it's the only scene I remember. Somehow it encapsulated the whole movie for me. And if you were to ask, I would definitely list Zorba the Greek as one...