The Secret of the Golden Flower Workshop

overcoming the death drive and producing the diamond body
Eternal is the Golden Flower only, which grows out of inner liberation from all bondage to things. A man who reaches this stage transposes his ego; he is no longer limited to the monad but penetrates the magic circle of the polar duality of all phenomena and returns to the undivided One, Tao.
The Secret of the Golden Flower is a Taoist alchemical text dealing with the method and production of the immortal self, referred to as the Diamond Body or Golden Flower. It was translated and published in 1931 by the German sinologist, Richard Wilhelm, along with an accompanying commentary by Carl Gustav Jung. This commentary by Jung, allows a psychological and symbolic interpretation of this classic esoteric text.
Stephen Anthony Farah BA (hons), MA, will present the workshop. Stephen has devoted over three decades to the study of this method, both theory and application. He has developed this study through the meditative and inner work practice prescribed by Taoist alchemy and in its psychological and symbolic dimensions through the lens of Jungian psychology.
The workshop being offered will deal with the Taoist alchemical practice interpreted through the lens of depth psychology. The method being taught is for the transmutation of the death drive, more specifically in its annihilating aspect and the production of the diamond body or transcendent function.
For more details on the method taught in the workshop, follow this link to read Stephen’s post.
Workshop details
The workshop takes place over four days: Thursday and Friday evenings, Saturday full day and Sunday half day. It covers both theory and application. Offering the delegate both an understanding of the theory and method being taught as well as, critically, an experiential immersion in its practice. The aim of which is to equip you to practice of the method taught in The Secret of the Golden Flower as an ongoing form of self-reflective practice and alchemical consciousness.
- A psycho-symbolic interpretation and method of practice of the ‘backward flowing technique’ taught by Lü Yán in the text.
- A process based identification and consideration of your own subjective position in relation to this method.
- The four stages of alchemical transmutation of psychological transformation, identified and described by Jung.
- The role of symbols and method of symbolisation.
- From symptôme (symptom) to saint homme (holy man).
Dates, location and cost
Thursday (evening), 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm.
Friday (evening), 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm
Saturday (full day), 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
Sunday (half day) , 9.00 am to 1.00 pm
Dates for 2019:
Cape Town: April 25th to 28th, Centre for the Book, Queen Victoria street, Cape Town.
Johannesburg: May 16th to 19th, Centre for Applied Jungian Studies, Bryanston
Bloemfontein: May 23rd to 26th, Bloemcare.
Durban: June 13th to 16th, venue tbc.
Cost: R3 900
Booking is essential and space is limited!
Register for this workshop now by clicking on the link below.

For any inquiries email