Twelve Steps towards Individuation
Jungian process work over six consecutive weeks for an illuminating and interactive soul experience.

Registration for 2019 now open!
Programme Overview
The 12 Steps towards Individuation has been designed to take you on an inner journey of self discovery. This is the true hero’s journey. Although the programme consists of a theoretical component, the focus is on the process work that is done in class within the group environment. All the concepts explored are applied to your own life and psychology. This work is intense but highly rewarding. Uncover your hidden drives and agenda’s and prepare yourself for a journey towards wholeness, armed with the tools from depth psychology.
Consciousness precedes transmutation. This course takes you through a process that will result in permanent inner evolution. The classes will allow you to access the unknown contents of your psyche that influence and direct what happens to you and what you attract to yourself. This process of becoming aware of your own dynamics will allow you to confront yourself and effect a liberating shift in consciousness.
The Programme includes:
12 modules, three and a half hours per module, which include a theoretical presentation, facilitated individual & group process work and group discussion.
A pre and post course questionnaire to help you gauge your shift through the programme.
Access to a private Facebook group set up for the programme.
All learning material.
Presented over six weeks.
Johannesburg Dates:
Johannesburg will run over six consecutive weeks on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm to 10 pm.
- Week 1: Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd of July 2019
- Week 2: Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th of July 2019
- Week 3: Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th of July 2019
- Week 4: Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th of July 2019
- Week 5: Tuesday 30th and Wednesday 31st of July 2019
- Week 6: Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th of August 2019
Cape Town Dates:
Cape Town will run over six consecutive Saturdays from 9 am to 5 pm.
- Week 1: Saturday 6th of July 2019
- Week 2: Saturday 13th of July 2019
- Week 3: Saturday the 20th of July 2019
- Week 4: Saturday the 27th of July 2019
- Week 5: Saturday the 3rd of August 2019
- Week 6: Saturday the 10th of August 2019
Why should I do this?
The Twelve Steps towards Individuation is for people who need an intervention in their lives. This programme is designed to shift you out of your comfort zone and confront you with your real self. If you have been suppressed, repressed and choked and feel that you have lost connection with yourself, then this programme is for you. The programme has solved the following experiences and feelings for our past students:
feeling stuck or trapped
feeling fragmented
trying to make sense of a loss or trauma
distress at not understanding why you keep repeating the same behaviour patterns
feeling helpless about always being confronted by the same situations
a desire to become more self-aware in order to be more effective in working with other people
wondering what is wrong with the world
tired of attracting the same type of people into your life
a longing to reconnect with yourself and know yourself
feeling exhausted and confused
dissatisfaction at your inability to move out of your situation
knowing that you need to move or shift but unsure where you need to go
deep frustration with yourself
inability to get in touch with your creative, spiritual self
knowing that your poor relationships has got something to do with yourself
This programme is also excellent for couples to reconnect, break through communication barriers and work through relationship tensions.
What will I gain?
The Twelve Steps towards Individuation will allow you to connect with yourself in the most numinous and extraordinary way. Learning the language from Jungian and depth psychology combined with the practical application of tools will liberate you from your conscious persona, or who you think you are. You will learn how to connect with yourself and free your creativity and imagination. You will go on an adventure into the unknown areas of your psyche and unearth the hidden treasures that lie within. You will experience real courage and true love and compassion for yourself. You will forgive yourself and connect to others in a profound and meaningful way. You will leave the programme armed with tools and knowledge that will change your perception of yourself and your world permanently, knowing who you are and what you want. In short, you will gain self-knowledge and self-awareness and how to live your life consciously, with purpose and meaning.
Course Content
Each of the twelve modules will cover a key concept from Jungian and depth psychology. The concepts that will be explored are:
Module 1: Symbols – imaginative, external and internal.
Learning to identify 2 teleological symbols: for the wound and for redemption respectively.
Module 2: Consciousness and opposites.
Exploring personal paradoxes and practicing the application of consciousness in key areas of your psychology.
Module 3: Archetypes.
Identifying archetypal patterns in your life story and playing with the fluidity of archetypes in terms of your own reality.
Module 4: Complexes.
Exploring your own complexes, both unexpressed and misplaced, and experiencing the creative power of relocating complexes.
Module 5: Projection.
The external image of the shadow (projected).
Module 6: Shadow.
The internal image of the shadow (introjected).
Module 7: Anima and Animus.
Exploring the archetypal image of the anima (beauty, desire, mystery)and the archetypal image of the animus (rationality, judgment, and intellectual discernment) within your own psyche.
Module 8: The magical other.
Understanding the power of the other in terms of your relatedness to yourself and the world; the transformative potential of making this relationship conscious.
Module 9: Authenticity.
What is the meaning of this word and how do you access your own authenticity.
Module 10: Individuation.
The journey to being your authentic and whole self.
Module 11: Symbol presentations.
A culmination of the work done during this programme.
Module 12: The way forward
Recap of tools acquired and role of ego in individuation process.
The Transmutation
You can expect to experience a shift in perception of your world. The tools from depth psychology place you at the centre of your universe (or umwelt) and empower you in recognising and understanding how you are the fulcrum around which your world turns. You will start to understand why you behave the way you do. You will develop greater compassion for yourself and others. You will learn what it means to truly love and care for yourself. The keys to relating to, understanding and accessing your creative unconscious will be revealed to you. You will become conscious of yourself in a way that was hidden from you before. These are but some of the benefits you will reap from the course, you will also:
Learn to understand your patterns and behaviours.
Understand why you are attracted to, or have an aversion to certain people.
Start to take responsibility for your own life.
Explore your own unique and fascinating personality.
Stop your cycle of reactive behaviour and replace it with proactive behaviour.
Understand the role of the transcendent (divine) principle in your psychology and your life.
Learn the difference between individualism and individuation.
Feel the right and obligation to be fully self-actualized.
Be able to distinguish between achievement and meaning and between being goal-oriented and living your purpose.
Understand the difference between perfection and wholeness in your psychology.
Be able to identify the saboteurs in your psychology and your world.
Be introduced to the magical other and the power, romance and transformative nature of conscious relating.
Be able to actualize freedom, self-agency and personal sovereignty.
Have the tools to access the creative power of your unconscious.
Go forward in your life, armed with the invaluable psychodynamic tools to manifest a life of meaning, purpose, love, desire, adventure, wonder and beauty.
Please note that in order to make the transmutation process conscious, there will be a pre-course questionnaire prior to the course commencing and a post-course questionnaire after the course has been completed. This is a critical part of the process and your journey.
Registration and Bookings
The Twelve Steps towards Individuation is now open for registrations.
Pay a deposit to secure your space. The deposit is R1,000.00.
Once your deposit is paid, you will be diverted to register.
The balance of the the workshop fee can either be paid off over three months or settled upfront with a 20% discount. The administration office will contact you about this once your registration has been received.
Fee options:
1) Three payments of R2,500.00 pm (total price R 8,500.00, including deposit)
2) A R 6,000.00 upfront payment (total price R 7,000.00, including deposit.)
If you need any additional information, or want to apply for a couples’ discount, please phone Anja on 082 949 8895 or email
Depth psychology
Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, Alfred Adler, Jacques Lacan and Melanie Klein are a few amongst an elite group of men and women who have literally reconceptualised the human being. Anyone who post-psychoanalysis conceives of the human condition without taking the unconscious into account, not only as a factor but as the most significant determinant of our identity, character and destiny, is , with respect, hopelessly naïve; and is not going to arrive at anything approaching a full picture of the psyche and the human person. Depth psychology and the giants who have contributed to its empirical data, analysis and theoretical body of work have given us a radical set of tools with which to re-imagine our very identities, the core of our beliefs about ourselves and our role in the world and in interpersonal encounters. Where so many well intention systems of thought and “transformational schools”, that propose radical change in the subject, fall short is in their failure to acknowledge or understand the role of the unconscious in human thought, feelings and actions.
Follow the links to read more on:
These are the three principal influences on the system of Applied Psychology, Consciousness and Personal Transformation taught at the Centre. For more information on our philosophy and methodology follow this link Applied Jungian Psychology.
Your Facilitators
Anja van Kralingen is the director at the Centre for Applied Jungian Studies. Anja has a MSc in Spirituality, Consciousness and Transpersonal psychology from The University of Middlesex, and has walked the Jungian journey for over 20 years. Anja is passionate about the Jungian system and believes in empowering individuals to go on a journey of self-discovery, finding meaning and unfolding their own path of individuation.
Cape Town
Stephen Anthony Farah is the co-founder and senior lecturer of The Centre for Applied Jungian Studies South Africa. He is also an executive member of the International Association of Jungian Studies. Stephen holds an honours degree in analytical philosophy from the University of the Witwatersrand and a Master’s degree in Jungian and Post Jungian Studies from the University of Essex. Stephen’s areas of interest include psychoanalysis, film, the philosophy of language, consciousness, individuation and the simulation hypothesis.
This goes out to Anja van Kralingen, Tasha Tollman and each and every one of you who helped me grow and learn on the course – ie all of you
❤️. I am going through some of the most stressful and difficult times of my life at the moment. Its just kindof unavoidable at the moment. I am however different. I perceive all of this that is going on, differently. It is still difficult and I admit that I lose my shit still, but I bounce back better. I bounce back softer. I notice symbols that hug me. I am sterner with those complexes that usually make me feel more kak – I acknowledge them, but put them back in their box for a bit. I am tougher; but softer. Softer on myself. More capable of seeing things in a more complete context. I owe you all the biggest thank you. I am different. I feel capable of managing! Thats f…ing huge in my books!
❤️. The facebook post I noticed from this unknown Centre of Applied Jungian Studies two years ago has been one the most valuable things that has come across my path. May it prosper and change many, many more lives in as profound a way, as it has mine. I will always be profoundly grateful
Thanks so much for an extremely interesting (and challenging) course. It was not only utterly worthwhile but also stimulating and enjoyable. I wasn’t expecting that! You have certainly opened up a whole new world for me for which I will always be very grateful.
The Twelve steps course is potent experience in real transformation. It is literally life changing. An extraordinary journey, beyond words. And the gift of a lifetime. Many, many thanks to Anja, Tasha and CAJS.
On this most profound “journey of life”, the 12 Steps to Individuation have provided much insight into my own psyche. I have dived, delved and explored depthy of myself that I have not thought possible. I would not have changed a thing!
I have delved into myself and learnt many wonderful lessons… the one experience I always wished I had is to ‘to love myself’ and I found this in our experiences… I saw, accepted and loved myself for the first time…the presence exercise was powerful… I now get Eckhart Tolle’s “be present, be in the moment”… the energy I am actually pulling through is my authentic self, and who I am in that moment… it was amazing to know that respect and discernment intertwined with presence in that moment results in my most authentic way of being arising within me.
Individuation is something that ALL seekers should be aware of. It runs gently, but very deeply in a currently hidden part of us. Anja is a true facilitator. She never dictates, she creates a space that allows us to reflect each other; and most vitally, ourselves!
I did this course earlier this year and for the first time in my life I started to understand what was going on in my world. Why certain patterns kept repeating themselves, why I attracted people that did not honour me. Not only have I made some HUGE changes in my life, met some incredible people who have now become friends, but I have also been given the key to that place that holds all the answers for me. I not only recommend this course, I guarantee you that this will be the best gift you have ever given to yourself.
It is a presumption that we are all conscious, or at least aware, when it is rather the case that we are suffering the lot of an undefined life, an assumption. If one suffers the questions, then one is directly responsible for freeing the answer most personal to them. This course is a start. A gentle, forensic audit of invisible forces that make the unseen more illuminiscent.
So, how can I begin to thank you, ‘Anja and Stephen. In 12 weeks, I have traveled a journey of 25 years and uncovered the trap door to my soul and my essence. And although I know there is much grieving and mourning, recognitioning and reconstructing ahead, I have begun the process of reclaiming what is truly mine. I thank you from the depths of my being.
Thank you Anja and Stephen for bringing this to me, the man on the street! I found the course had a profound impact. I learnt a lot about myself. I gained a lot of understanding and I feel like I have had some major breakthroughs in growth.
Thank you for a great programme. I wish these things could be shared with more people for it truly has a huge impact on my personal journey! The expositions were well presented and the practical exercises and homework were so relevant and helpful in grasping the concepts and teachings more comprehensively. This is surely a journey worth taking!!
I joined the 12 Step Individuation Programme not knowing what to expect, but it felt right and I made the commitment. In the search to my authentic self I encountered an exceptional group of people. Kindred spirits that were caring, honest, accepting and real. The programme itself unlocks something deep within; a true journey of self-discovery. Not for the faint hearted, but so very rewarding. Thank you Anja and Tasha, for a magical and memorable experience.
This course allowed me the knowledge, insight and processes to meet myself face to face. It created the opportunity for realisation and acceptance of different aspects of myself and my life. It has empowered me to feel my way to my Self and dialogue with my unconscious. I have had a taste of the numinous quality that life could hold. For that I am eternally appreciative.
This course offers an alternative perspective, tool and outlet to one’s inner most burdens, fears, desires and potential. It is a gentle reminder of the possibility of the power of one’s own soul.
I remember that at our first class I said that I did not know what brought me here but time would tell. Week 9 was my biggest shift-facing my shadows that I projected on a person I did not like. Mind you, the positive aspects of me were almost as hard to accept. In our week 9 class, facing this shadow crumbled the Great Wall of China that stood between us and changed my perception of him, inside me. I am very grateful. This teaching is powerful.
My husband and I were advised to this course while we were separate or at least trying to come together again in a different way….with more insights on how we can improve our relationship. After having experienced this work we are in a completely different space. Our relationship has matured. We learnt to take responsibility for our own feelings and projections. We have learnt how to communicate with each other differently and mostly to love one another in a non-judgemental way. Thank you form the bottom and top of our hearts……I have already given your details to some people….Lots of Love
This course was a gift to myself, giving me new and valuable insights into myself, exploring the space of feeling and appreciation rather than “fixing’. I feel through this process I climbed a notch towards self acceptance. This course more than lived up to its promises; I have done a lot of growth/personal development courses and this one stood out, stimulating and insightful!
I do not usually participate in group training, and it was a big step for me to allow myself the vulnerability and openness to do this. I was slightly scared, but found an immensely safe space in the group – my co-participants were kindred spirits, and the course leader and co-facilitator continuously ensured a constructive and nontoxic healing and growth process. I tend to overthink and over-analyze, and had to work hard at ‘feeling and not thinking’ whilst trusting the process, but managed to do just that with the expert guidance of Anja, Tasha and the group. Despite this, the course also contained enough theory, reading material, and recommended reading shared among group members, to satisfy my thirst for structured knowledge and to balance it with the numinous ‘feeling-based’ process work. I found it astonishing how every bit of active imagination and symbolism and story telling fell into place as the process continued, like pieces of a puzzle I knew all along, but couldn’t recognize. For me, a nonreligious and over-rational being at the best of times, the logic in the magic was delightful and illuminating as I traveled the six-week path with with a sense of mystical wonder and awe. Best of all is that this awareness will remain with me for the rest of my days – the knowledge and experience I gained opened a vastness of new layers to my life. I know I will be exploring and excavating it for the rest of my existence. I am skeptical of ‘new age miracles and the pursuit of happiness at all costs’ and am grateful to report that this is nót it. With this course, I learnt about not trying to be perfect, but about striving to be whole. I loved dancing with my wicked shadow, calling out my intellectual and responsible persona, meeting the host of interesting, inane and some slightly insane complexes inhabiting me, discovering my archetypes, greeting my anima and animus, and – the most difficult part of the voyage for me – finding the magical ‘Other’. The experience of identifying my life’s paradox, and discovering a transcendent symbol to guide me towards balancing and accepting the extremes in me, will be a guiding light on my path from here onwards. Thank you to Anja and Tasha for this enchanting and enlightening key to a thousand doors. I will treat it with care and awe as I continue jumping down life’s rabbit holes.
Thank you for a most worthwhile course.
You focused on Jung’s basic concepts leading up to individuation, structured and transmitted them clearly enough to be accessible to the lay person. It was exciting and effective, particularly because of the applications. Something about the witness out there being able to be converted into the compassionate one within us was another beneficial experience for me. In music there’s a phenomenon called counterpoint where melody lines move in opposite directions concurrently (as I recall it..) I had a sense of that in terms of the more you let go the more you gain through the wondrous language of the unconscious, our uncensored treasure trove. I’ve neglected mine for a long time, but all that was needed was an invitation to the dance…
Thanks again for being such a catalyst.
It is a fantastic fundamental. It has offered me a great overview to Jung and I have been fascinated by Jung’s work, theory and life. It has given me a thirst to learn more. On a personal level, it has also helped me to discover and link aspects which I did not see before. Anja and Tasha are fantastic facilitators. I felt that they created a safe space for me to work with incredibly personal content.
This course allowed me to confront myself in a sincere and supportive environment – what a blessing! It came as a crucial and timely reminder to myself of much I had forgotten. I feel humbled and truly alive. Stephen is a fantastic facilitator and I think this course will inspire many people to embark on the longest and hardest journey in life – the journey towards oneself.
I have no hesitation in recommending the 12 Steps to Individuation Programme as an opportunity to explore and expand self-awareness. The facilitator’s capacity to hold the participants through the unique set of exercises designed to uncover psychic material and identify shadow aspects within the psyche enabled deep and thorough participation. Having attended with my son, I highly recommend the 12 Steps to Individuation Programme as an opportunity to deepen and strengthen relationships, enhance interpersonal communication and build on trust.
With many thanks for a unique and life enhancing experience.