The Jungian Mystery School 2024

With growing interest and research into psychedelics their psychotherepeutic benefits can no longer be ignored. While there is the potential danger of opening the floodgates to the unconscious, these powerful substances can be used to access and work with the unconscious, in ways not entirely dissimilar to Carl Gustav Jung’s method of active imagination.

In addition the capacity for analytical psychology to offer a symbolic lens through which to understand psychedelic experience gives it a fairly unique advantage in the emerging field of psychedelic asssisted psychotherapy.

Join us for an 8 week exploration of the intersection of psychedelics, visionary experiences and Jungian psychology.


START DATE: Saturday 8 June 2024

FEE: $350.00 once-off (or $130.00 / month for 3 months)


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Live 90 – 120 minute interactive lectures/workshops each Saturday for 8 weeks. All lectures are recorded for later viewing for those unable to attend live.

Participation in a facilitated private Facebook page for the student community and interactions.

All learning material and lectures remain available to you for 12-months after the programme completes.

Certificate of Completion upon completion of the programme.


8 June 2024 

Time:   4 pm Johannesburg, 3:00 pm London; 10:00 am New York

Psychedelics, Mystical Experience, and Psychoanalysis

The promise of a breakthrough with psychedelics is inferred by its similarity to a mystical experience. However, the key to the effectiveness of both, of their capacity to alter the conscious position, depends on the degree of receptivity of the subject. If that is lacking, it is nothing more than an interesting, transient experience. Psychoanalysis, more so than psychedelics, seeks to create the situation for consciousness to be altered through a long process of relativizing the ego.  Are the two compatible and should psychoanalysis consider the use of psychedelics in particular cases?

Presented by Leslie Stein

15 June 2024 

Time:   4 pm Johannesburg, 3:00 pm London; 10:00 am New York

The Intersection of Active Imagination and the Use of Psychedelics

In this lecture, I am presenting on the intersection of Active Imagination and the use of psychedelics. Both are methods for bridging ordinary and non-ordinary consciousness. Symbols are the “bridging” language. I will discuss how I use active imagination practices both during a psychedelic experience and in the integrative process following. I will emphasize the use of process art as an integrative tool. In simple ways, I will make this talk experiential – i.e. beginning with an ego-softening meditation, inviting people to doodle/sketch as they listen.

Presented by Felicia Matto-Shepard

22 June 2024 

Time:   4 pm Johannesburg, 3:00 pm London; 10:00 am New York

Ketamine and Analytic Process: The Combination Method

This presentation reflects on portals that open into the unconscious leading to numinous experiences. Hypothesis: Ketamine may assist by anesthetizing the “trauma complex,” allowing for positive altered states of consciousness. 

We witnessed dramatic rapid relief of depressive and dissociative symptoms, along with diminishment in suicidal ideation that had been unrelieved by psychotherapy and/or antidepressant trials. Previously unreachable parts became accessible and transference / countertransference dynamics could be engaged and discussed. 

Benefits and cautions about ketamine use will be reviewed along with perspectives on how this intervention can be coordinated with analytic practice. Jung’s concerns will be reviewed.

Presented by Linda Carter

29 June 2024 

Time:   4 pm Johannesburg, 3:00 pm London; 10:00 am New York

Workshop: Preparing for psychedelic experiences (2hrs)

In this presentation and workshop we will discuss the differences and similarities between a traditional approach and a Western psychotherapeutic approach to psychedelic healing. We look at the need to create a suitable container for psychedelic experiences and explore various approaches of preparation both traditional and Western. We will then workshop some of these ideas.

Presented by Carlos Hernandez & Johann Mynhardt

6 July 2024 

Time:   4 pm Johannesburg, 3:00 pm London; 10:00 am New York

The psycholytic approach to psychedelic assisted psychotherapy

In the past a distinction has been made between the American approach to psychedelic assisted psychotherapy and the European approach. The American approach being more in favor of the use of a full or heroic dose to facilitate psychedelic experiences of an archetypal nature. The European approach being more in favor of a low or medium dose which tends to facilitate experiences associated with the personal unconscious. In the presentation I would like to address the psycholytic approach and explore its application in Jungian analysis.

Presented by Marcel van den Akker

13 July 2024 

Time:   4 pm Johannesburg, 3:00 pm London; 10:00 am New York

The Path to the Transcendent Function: Dreams, Visions and Psychedelics

In this presentation, I give examples of dreams that feel like psychedelic experiences, Jung’s visions that do also and actual psychedelic experiences of mine and others showing the similarities between the three experiences. Then I delve into the neuroscience of the brain and how it is affected during these three experiences— very similar brain pathways. I discuss how to work with the images to integrate the experiences to further the Individuation process. Psychedelics, dreams and visions set the stage for the transcendent function— to allow a new point of view to enter consciousness. I also discuss potential dangers in using psychedelics. 

Presented by Nancy Furlotti

20 July 2024 

Time:   4 pm Johannesburg, 3:00 pm London; 10:00 am New York

Psychedelics & the Soul: Myth, Depth Psychology & the Psychedelic Experience

Psychedelics are not about improving mental health, having a better day at the office, or boosting productivity. Amid the collective effervescence of the “psychedelic renaissance,” what if something is getting lost? The tradition of Jungian depth psychology can offer much to the nascent field of psychedelic therapy because of its unique methods for understanding and exploring the symbolic language of the soul as it is expressed through myth, dreams and altered states of consciousness. Join psychedelic facilitator, depth psychotherapist, and author Simon Yugler as he explores the liminal crossroads between these two fields, and how through their intersection, they might both be changed.  

Presented by Simon Yugler

27 July 2024 

Time:   4 pm Johannesburg, 3:00 pm London; 10:00 am New York

Workshop: Integrating Psychedelic Experiences (2hrs)

In this presentation and workshop we will discuss approaches to integrating psychedelic experience, in particular those experiences that have a challenging or traumatic character. We discuss the role of abreaction (the reliving or re-telling of traumatic experience) as well as Jungian approaches such as re-symbolization, the role of meaning and the possible use of active imagination as a tool. We will workshop some of these ideas.

Presented by Carlos Hernandez & Johann Mynhardt


Registration now closed.

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Leslie Stein is a Jungian Analyst with a private practice in Sydney, Australia. He is the author or editor of 13 books of which the following are relevant to this topic: Editor with L. Corbett, Psychedelics and Individuation: Essays by Jungian Analysts; Editor, Eastern Practices and Individuation, Essays by Jungian Analysts; Editor with D. Rickles, Varieties of Nothingness; Working with Mystical Experiences in Psychoanalysis: Opening to the NuminousThe Self in Jungian Psychology: Theory and Clinical Practice; Becoming Whole: Jung’s Equation for Realizing God; and the two novels: The Journey of Adam Kadmon: A Novel; The Psychoanalysis of Dr Seele.   

Felicia Matto-Shepard, MFT is a Jungian Analyst, artist and a member of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco practicing in Petaluma, CA. She works at the threshold where nonverbal experience is transformed into image and language. She facilitates Alchemical Art workshops utilizing creative processes such as art making, ritual and movement. Felicia holds a Certificate in Psychedelic Therapies and Research from California Institute of Integral Studies and is trained in the use of Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, as well as MDMA Assisted Therapy at MAPS.  Felicia is a teaching faculty member of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco and past faculty member in the Depth Psychology Master’s Program at Sonoma State University.  She offers lectures, workshops and analytic training internationally.

Linda Carter MSN, CS, IAAP (USA), is a nurse/Jungian analyst practicing in Carpinteria, California; graduate of Georgetown, Yale and the C. G. Jung Institute-Boston; JAP Book Review Editor, US Editor-in-Chief, Arts and Culture Editor; chair/founder, Art and Psyche Working Group, winner of two Gradiva Awards (NAAP); article “Amazing Grace” short-listed for Gradiva.

Carlos Hernandez is a transpersonal psychotherapist with more than 15 years of experience working with non-ordinary states of consciousness in therapeutic settings. His work is inspired by his love of God and nature. Trained as an Ayahuasquero and having completed a Post-graduate specialisation in psychedelic-assisted therapies Carlos’ work could be summarised as an integration of Amazonian traditional healing and Transpersonal psychology. Through his years of clinical experience, he has observed that profound and transformational healing processes happen when there is a deepened connection to the Highest Self. He believes it is from this source that healing and meaning can flow.

Johann Mynhardt is a facilitator, mentor and course creator at The Centre for Applied Jungian Studies. He first encountered Jung’s ideas in his early twenties while pursuing interests in comparative religion, philosophy and related subjects. He has taken initiation into Bwiti – a syncretistic mystical religion originated in West Africa and centred on the use of the psychoactive root-bark Iboga. He has also explored the healing potential of other psychedelics and traditional medicines such as Kambo, Ayahuasca, Psilocybin and MDMA. His interest centres on integration of these experiences and how to utilize active imagination in a similar manner to facilitate “soul retrieval”, or shadow integration.

Marcel van den Akker, PhD is a Jungian Analyst and registered Psychotherapist and Clinical Psychologist in private practice in The Netherlands. He is a former Graduate Analyst at the ISAP Zurich. During the last couple of years he has been exploring the benefits of psilocybin use in his clinical work and for his personal process.

Nancy Swift Furlotti, PhD is a Jungian Analyst living in Aspen, Colorado. She is a past president of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles and a founding member and past president of the Philemon Foundation. She is a member of the C.G. Jung Institute of Colorado and the Interregional Association of Jungian Analysts. She is on the boards of Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, CA, the National Asian Museum in Washington, D.C. and the Mercurius Prize Committee. She has written numerous articles, edited a number of books, including with the late Erel Shalit, The Dream and Its Amplification. Dr. Furlotti lectures internationally on Jungian topics such as dreams, mythology, trauma, the feminine and the environment. Her recent book, The Splendor of the Maya: A Journey into the Shadows at the Dawn of Creation, will be published soon as part of the Fay Lectures. Her company, Recollections, LLC, edits and publishes first generation Jungian’s unpublished writings, most recently Erich Neumann’s two volume manuscript, The Roots of Jewish Consciousness, published in English and Hebrew.

With a masters in depth counseling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, Simon Yugler is an internationally experienced psychedelic therapist, educator, and the author of the book, Psychedelics & the Soul: A Mythic Guide to Psychedelic Healing, Depth Psychology, and Cultural Repair. He has taught for five psychedelic facilitator training programs including Naropa University and Inner Trek. Simon draws on his diverse experience traveling across the world and learning from Indigenous cultures, including the Shipibo ayahuasca tradition and the Native American Church. For a year-and-a-half he routinely served as a retreat leader with MycoMeditations, a leading psilocybin therapy retreat center in Jamaica. Prior to becoming a therapist, he served as an experiential educator and guide, leading immersive study-abroad journeys for young adults across 10 countries. Based on the land now called Portland, Oregon, Simon is passionate about helping his clients navigate the liminal wilds of the soul.


Leslie Stein is a Jungian Analyst with a private practice in Sydney, Australia. He is the author or editor of 13 books of which the following are relevant to this topic: Editor with L. Corbett, Psychedelics and Individuation: Essays by Jungian Analysts; Editor, Eastern Practices and Individuation, Essays by Jungian Analysts; Editor with D. Rickles, Varieties of Nothingness; Working with Mystical Experiences in Psychoanalysis: Opening to the NuminousThe Self in Jungian Psychology: Theory and Clinical Practice; Becoming Whole: Jung’s Equation for Realizing God; and the two novels: The Journey of Adam Kadmon: A Novel; The Psychoanalysis of Dr Seele.   

Felicia Matto-Shepard, MFT is a Jungian Analyst, artist and a member of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco practicing in Petaluma, CA. She works at the threshold where nonverbal experience is transformed into image and language. She facilitates Alchemical Art workshops utilizing creative processes such as art making, ritual and movement. Felicia holds a Certificate in Psychedelic Therapies and Research from California Institute of Integral Studies and is trained in the use of Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, as well as MDMA Assisted Therapy at MAPS.  Felicia is a teaching faculty member of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco and past faculty member in the Depth Psychology Master’s Program at Sonoma State University.  She offers lectures, workshops and analytic training internationally.

Linda Carter MSN, CS, IAAP (USA), is a nurse/Jungian analyst practicing in Carpinteria, California; graduate of Georgetown, Yale and the C. G. Jung Institute-Boston; JAP Book Review Editor, US Editor-in-Chief, Arts and Culture Editor; chair/founder, Art and Psyche Working Group, winner of two Gradiva Awards (NAAP); article “Amazing Grace” short-listed for Gradiva.

Carlos Hernandez is a transpersonal psychotherapist with more than 15 years of experience working with non-ordinary states of consciousness in therapeutic settings. His work is inspired by his love of God and nature. Trained as an Ayahuasquero and having completed a Post-graduate specialisation in psychedelic-assisted therapies Carlos’ work could be summarised as an integration of Amazonian traditional healing and Transpersonal psychology. Through his years of clinical experience, he has observed that profound and transformational healing processes happen when there is a deepened connection to the Highest Self. He believes it is from this source that healing and meaning can flow.

Johann Mynhardt is a facilitator, mentor and course creator at The Centre for Applied Jungian Studies. He first encountered Jung’s ideas in his early twenties while pursuing interests in comparative religion, philosophy and related subjects. He has taken initiation into Bwiti – a syncretistic mystical religion originated in West Africa and centred on the use of the psychoactive root-bark Iboga. He has also explored the healing potential of other psychedelics and traditional medicines such as Kambo, Ayahuasca, Psilocybin and MDMA. His interest centres on integration of these experiences and how to utilize active imagination in a similar manner to facilitate “soul retrieval”, or shadow integration.

Marcel van den Akker, PhD is a Jungian Analyst and registered Psychotherapist and Clinical Psychologist in private practice in The Netherlands. He is a former Graduate Analyst at the ISAP Zurich. During the last couple of years he has been exploring the benefits of psilocybin use in his clinical work and for his personal process.

Nancy Swift Furlotti, PhD is a Jungian Analyst living in Aspen, Colorado. She is a past president of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles and a founding member and past president of the Philemon Foundation. She is a member of the C.G. Jung Institute of Colorado and the Interregional Association of Jungian Analysts. She is on the boards of Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, CA, the National Asian Museum in Washington, D.C. and the Mercurius Prize Committee. She has written numerous articles, edited a number of books, including with the late Erel Shalit, The Dream and Its Amplification. Dr. Furlotti lectures internationally on Jungian topics such as dreams, mythology, trauma, the feminine and the environment. Her recent book, The Splendor of the Maya: A Journey into the Shadows at the Dawn of Creation, will be published soon as part of the Fay Lectures. Her company, Recollections, LLC, edits and publishes first generation Jungian’s unpublished writings, most recently Erich Neumann’s two volume manuscript, The Roots of Jewish Consciousness, published in English and Hebrew.

With a masters in depth counseling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, Simon Yugler is an internationally experienced psychedelic therapist, educator, and the author of the book, Psychedelics & the Soul: A Mythic Guide to Psychedelic Healing, Depth Psychology, and Cultural Repair. He has taught for five psychedelic facilitator training programs including Naropa University and Inner Trek. Simon draws on his diverse experience traveling across the world and learning from Indigenous cultures, including the Shipibo ayahuasca tradition and the Native American Church. For a year-and-a-half he routinely served as a retreat leader with MycoMeditations, a leading psilocybin therapy retreat center in Jamaica. Prior to becoming a therapist, he served as an experiential educator and guide, leading immersive study-abroad journeys for young adults across 10 countries. Based on the land now called Portland, Oregon, Simon is passionate about helping his clients navigate the liminal wilds of the soul.