Foundation Modules – Transference and Countertransference


SKU: CAJS0018 Category:


16 March 2024

Transference and Countertransference

Date and Time: Saturday 16th, 2024 at 2 pm London/9 am New York.

“Transference, strictly, as I have already said, is a projection which happens between two individuals and which, as a rule, is of an emotional and compulsory nature. Emotions in themselves are always in some degree overwhelming for the subject, because they are involuntary conditions which override the intentions of the ego. Moreover, they cling to the subject, and he cannot detach them from himself. Yet this involuntary condition of the subject is at the same time projected into the object, and through that a bond is established which cannot be broken, and exercises a compulsory influence upon the subject.” (CW 18, par 316)


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