Congratulations on joining Maya’s Labyrinth.
This is the go-to page for this course. You will find information on all the modules and schedules here. This course is supported by a private Facebook forum. To join this forum please follow this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/631389382539385/
This course will start on Monday the 8th of January. The material for Module 1 will be made available on this page and on the Facebook forum.
Each module will be explored over a two week period as per the schedule below. The modules consist of a podcast and a transcript so you have the option of listening to it or reading it.
Isolation and loneliness is currently a huge concern for our students, so I urge you to join the Facebook forum and join a community of like minded individuals. You are more than welcome to create a pseudonym for this purpose, just let me know that your Facebook profile has a different name.
This course is a practical course, meaning that the focus are on the application of the theory. You can theoretically understand the concept of projection but that does not mean you understand the impact projection has on your own life. Exploring these ideas, questions, discussion and posting applications are all supported on the Facebook Forum.
Myself, Anja van Kralingen and Tasha Tollman will be your guides on this course. We look forward to meeting you on the Facebook Forum.
Please download the Applications Guide below to familiarise yourself with the approach towards the applications.
Course Schedule
Module 1
8 January 2024
The Mechanics of Illusion: Understanding Projection
Module 2
22 January 2024
The Unconscious Voice: Learning to listen
Module 3
5 February 2024
Heroes and Villains Within: Uncovering Complexes
Module 4
19 February 2024
Sensing Symbols: The Language of the Soul
Module 5
4 March 2024
The Motivation Factors: Exploring instincts
This webinar was presented by the faculty on March 9, 2024. Please watch the recording below.
Please complete the questionnaire below to receive your certificate for this course.
If you enjoyed Maya’s Labyrinth and would like to complete the full Alchemy of Symbols series. you can purchase the remaining 3 stages for the reduced rate of US550. Details on the remaining stages can be found here https://appliedjung.com/aos/
Single Payment of U$550
Single Payment of U$550