Congratulations on joining the Jungian and Post-Jungian Clinical Concepts Course.
Welcome to Jungian and Post-Jungian Clinical Concepts! We are pleased to have you join us in this 16 module (4 semesters) exploration of key Jungian concepts and their clinical application.
Carli Castellani is your program coordinator and your guide through the course – contact her with course inquiries here:
For any administrative/finance issues, contact
While the Art, Spirit, Image semester begins April 1st, 2024, here are some notes in advance:
Course Materials for Clinical Concepts:
Each module contains the following materials:
1. Reading Pack — approximately 2-5 articles each month, selected by the module’s presenter;
2. Module Applications — reflection prompts for the module, to aid in integrating the material explored;
3. Live 60 minute lecture followed by a 30 minute Q&A discussion session on Zoom with the presenter. (dates below)
4. Recording of the live recording, posted shortly after it has taken place; and
5. A 15 question quiz, to gauge your understanding of the concepts presented (required for those completing the course for CPD credits).
Course Format:
Each module runs over a two week period. We email a notice, as well as post the new materials on the Facebook forum on that date, including the event details and joining link for the live Q&A session.
You can also access the materials on the CAJS website at that time, when you are logged into your account here.
Course Process:
Complete the readings, prior to the live presentation and Q&A with the presenter.
Bring your thoughts and questions to the live Q&A discussion.
Work through the module applications, to deepen your personal experience with the module content, and explore how it may relate to your clinical practice and professional development. You are welcome to share your application work and reflections in the private Facebook forum.
Complete the short quiz by the end of the module — note this must be done directly on the CAJS website, when you are logged in to your account and the materials page for that semester.
Facebook Forum:
The private Facebook Forum is available for sharing and discussion with others in the course, as we move through each module, and we encourage your participation there. The joining link for each semester’s group is on your materials page.