Semester 1: Jungian and Post-Jungian Clinical Concepts

Jungian and Post-Jungian Clinical Concepts

Semester 1: The Therapy Relationship

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Congratulations on joining Semester 1: The Therapy Relationship

Carli Castellani is your program coordinator and your guide through the course – contact her with course inquiries here:

For any administrative/finance issues, contact

Here are some notes:

Course Materials for Clinical Concepts:

Each module contains the following materials:

1.  Reading Pack — approximately 2-5 articles each month, selected by the module’s presenter;
2.  Module Applications — reflection prompts for the month, to aid in integrating the material explored;
3.  Live 60 minute lecture followed by a 30 minute Q&A discussion session on Zoom with the presenter. (dates below)
4.  Recording of the live recording, posted shortly after it has taken place; and
5.  A 15 question quiz, to gauge your understanding of the concepts presented (required for those completing the course for CPD credits).

Course Format:  

Each module runs over a two week period.  We email a notice, as well as post the new materials on the Facebook forum on that date, including the event details and joining link for the live Q&A session.

You can also access the materials on the CAJS website at that time, when you are logged into your account here.

Course Process:

Complete the readings, prior to the live presentation and Q&A with the presenter.

Bring your thoughts and questions to the live Q&A discussion.

Work through the module applications, to deepen your personal experience with the module content, and explore how it may relate to your clinical practice and professional development.  You are welcome to share your application work and reflections in the private Facebook forum.

Complete the short quiz by the end of the month — note this must be done directly on the CAJS website, when you are logged in to your account.

Facebook Forum:

The private Facebook Forum is available for sharing and discussion with others in the course, as we move through each module, and we encourage your participation there. Please follow this link to join

Again, thank you for joining Clinical Concepts.  I look forward to our journey together, and hearing from you as we get underway.


Ego, Shadow and the Four Stages of Transformation

The confrontation with the shadow: personally, collectively and archetypally is the first stage and keystone of the journey to consciousness, wholeness and in Jung’s terms, individuation. This module will focus on identifying, unmasking and engaging with the subject’s shadow material, both in its personal and subjective aspect and in its collective constellation in the therapeutic setting. This module will consider the definitions and roles of both the ego and the shadow and their dialectical relationship in Jungian analysis. We will look at questions of when and where the ego is functional and where it is inhibiting the subject’s individuation process.

We will consider how engagement with the shadow can break an ego deadlock and potentially fertilise the subject’s identity and individuation process, and where such engagement may be overwhelming for the ego. Once identified, Jung provides a four-step process for engaging and redeeming or transmuting shadow material: confession, elucidation, education and transformation. These steps mirroring the four alchemical stages of transmutation: Nigredo, Albedo, Citrinitas and Rubedo. We will consider each of these stages in detail and their practical application in therapy.

presented by Stephen Farah

Stephen Farah, MA, is the co-founder and head of learning and research at The Centre for Applied Jungian Studies South Africa. He is an executive member of the International Association of Jungian Studies. Stephen holds an honours degree in analytical philosophy from the University of the Witwatersrand and a Master’s degree in Jungian and Post Jungian Studies from the University of Essex. Stephen’s areas of interest include psychoanalysis, film, the philosophy of language, consciousness, individuation and the simulation hypothesis. His paper ‘True detective and Jung’s four steps of transformation’ was published in The Routledge International Handbook of Jungian Film Studies. He is currently compiling and editing (with co-editor Marybeth Carter) an anthology of papers for ‘The Specter of the Other: crises and opportunity‘.

Lecture Recording

Module 4’s live lecture occurred on Saturday, August 19, 2023.  The recording can be accessed below.  The slides for this presentation can be found here:

Ego, Shadow and the Four Stages of Transformation – Personal Application

For this module, consider the following:

a) Reflect upon a time when a “dark night of the soul” led you to facing a shadow element of your psyche, by acknowledging it, confessing it to another/seeking help, or in some other way facing an internalized shame or unrealized desire in a new light.  What factors contributed to any transformation that occurred for you?  What did the stages of transformation look like for you?

b)  In your clinical work, reflect upon presenting material offered by a specific client, and what it revealed of their own “dark night of the soul”, or crisis that led them to seeking therapy.  What elements of shadow material did they bring to initial sessions, including shame or deep-seated longing?


Please complete the Questionnaire after having read the materials and watching the lecture (either live or by recording).

Interpretation in Jungian Analysis – Art and Technique

The issue of interpretation is fundamental to the process of analysis or any psychology of depth. It is the medium by which our art form is transmitted. If the analytic vessel is thought of as our canvas, then our interpretations are the paints with which the depth psychologist participates with the patient in the creation of the painting. What one chooses to say in analysis, why one chooses that particular thing to say, how one says it, when one says it – these are some of the building blocks of the interpretive process. It is an important tool to develop proficiency with, but it can’t be used effectively if we don’t develop fluency with it.

Learning Objectives
1. Differentiate between an interpretation and other non-interpretive interventions in therapy/analysis.
2. Explore of the origins of the interpretive process within the psychoanalytic world.
3. Differentiate between various levels of interpretation.
4. Examine style of language in interpretation
5. Understand interpretation from a Jungian perspective.

presented by Dr. Mark Winborn

Mark Winborn, PhD is a Jungian psychoanalyst and clinical psychologist. He is a training analyst with the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts and the C.G. Jung Institute Küsnacht. His primary areas of interest are analytic technique and the integration of psychoanalytic theories. He has published or edited five books: Deep Blues: Human Soundscapes for the Archetypal Journey, Shared Realities: Participation Mystique and Beyond, Interpretation in Jungian Analysis: Art and Technique, Beyond Persona: On Individuation and Beginnings with Jungian Analysts (with Lavinia Țânculescu), and Jungian Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction (part of the Routledge series – Introductions to Contemporary Psychoanalysis), as well as numerous articles and book chapters. He received the Gradiva prize from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis for the best article published in 2022 and was a finalist in 2014 for the best edited book in psychoanalysis. He lectures widely both in the USA and internationally.

Lecture Recording

The tak by Mark Winborn occurred on Saturday, August 5, 2023, and can be watched below.  Additionally, Mark has provided us with his slides, which include extra material not covered today.  Please note these are not for dissemination or sharing and are just for your reference only.  They can be accessed here:

Reading Material

Click on the links below for selected chapters from:

Mark Winborn (2018) Interpretation in Jungian Analysis: Art and Technique, London: Routledge

Interpretation in Jungian Analysis: Art and Technique – Personal Application

Reverie – a state of being lost in one’s thoughts, watching the clouds, daydreaming, making spontaneous associations – was explored as an inner state to cultivate, that can be part of the interpretive process.  For contemplation and journaling, reflect on the following questions:

a) In your own life, has a feeling of being lost in reverie ever led to a new insight or a transformational experience?

b) For your practice, what does cultivating an inner state of reverie look like? Would you call it by a different name?  Is it applicable for your therapeutic work?


Please complete the Questionnaire after having read the materials and watching the webinar (either live or by recording).

The Infant Relationship to Objects and the Inner Landscape

Dr. Austin will discuss two of her papers which were published in the Journal of Analytical Psychology in 2016 entitled “Working with chronic and relentless self- hatred, self-harm and existential shame: a clinical study and reflections” parts I and II. The first of these papers was jointly awarded the JAP’s Fordham Prize for 2016 (see These papers explore some of  the theoretical and experiential reference points that have emerged in her work with people whose relationship to their body and/or sense of self is dominated by  self- hatred and (what Hultberg describes as) existential shame. The first paper focuses on self-hatred and the second paper focuses on shame. The second paper continues the discussion of the clinical material introduced in the first paper in the light of Jung’s and Laplanche’s emphasis on experiences of unresolvable, non-pathological ‘foreignness’ or ‘otherness’ at the heart of the psyche. Images, metaphors, elements of clinical experience, and working hypotheses from a number of analytic traditions are used to flesh out this exploration.

presented by Dr. Sue Austin

Sue Austin, Ph.D. and member ANZSJA, works in private practice in Sydney and is a training analyst with the Australian and New Zealand Society of Jungian Analysts. She specializes in working with adults who have eating disorders and/or disorders of the self (i.e., people whose experience of subjectivity is abject) and her practice comprises general analytic work with adults and supervision of clinicians in Australia and internationally. Sue has run numerous clinical workshops and seminars in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Europe and the USA, and has published several clinical papers and a book.

Lecture 2

The Lecture and Discussion took place on July 22, 2023.  The recording can be found below.

Additionally, Sue Austin has provided us with a paper containing her notes/core ideas covered in the presentation n the 22nd, for reference.  That can be found here:

Reading Material

Click on the links below to download your articles for this module.

The Infant Relationship to Objects and the Inner Landscape – Personal Application:

In this module, Dr. Sue Austin’s case study explored somatic/bodily experiences of the ego and somatic “pockets of inner otherness”, and how bodily tension and inhibition can be points of contact between the ego and those complexes. She wrote, “Combing this with Jung’s way of engaging with the inner othernessess around which the psyche is shaped invites the analyst to work with the patient to try to slow down their experience around these contact zones and see, what, if anything, emerges”.

For reflection on this module:

a) Notice when a specific tension, difficulty or discomfort in your breathing or body appears in your day-to-day life. Set aside some time for yourself to describe that physical experience, and then free-associate around what it feels like or brings up, and reflect upon how it relates to your inner landscape (psyche) and life.

b) For your practice, choose a case or client you have worked with in the past, for personal review, to contemplate whether somatic/bodily symptoms were expressed in the therapy setting at that time and, if present, what they may have suggested about that individual’s inner psyche/complexes.  Would Dr. Austin’s approach have been a helpful lens for working with that indiviual?


The Therapy Relationship and the Goals of the Work

We will talk about some very different approaches to the therapy relationship. These will range from understanding it as an ordinary human relationship, to considering various relational approaches, to discussion of transference-countertransference. Jung’s views on these matters will be discussed and his pioneering status in terms of today’s interest in ‘relationality’ will be highlighted. In addition, the question of what psychotherapy is for, and what its aims and goals might be, will receive attention. We will assume that there is no one single way to enter these matters.

presented by Professor Andrew Samuels

Professor of Analytical Psychology at the University of Essex and a Jungian analyst in practice in London. He has been referred to as ‘the most celebrated of today’s Jungian analysts’ (in American Imago). He is a former Chair of the UK Council for Psychotherapy. His many books have been translated into 21 languages and include the ground-breaking Jung and the Post-Jungians (1985), A Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis (1986), The Father: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives (1986), Psychopathology: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives (1989), and Persons, Passions, Politics, Psychotherapy: Selected Works of Andrew Samuels (2015). For more information visit

Lecture for Module 1:

The live lecture session occured on July 8, 2023.  The recording can be accessed below, along with other module materials.

Reading Material

Click on the links below to download your articles for this module.

The Therapy Relationship and the Goals of the Work – Personal Application

In this module, one’s motivations for pursuing a therapeutic vocation are discussed, along with our relationship to our clients.  For personal reflection on these concepts, consider the following questions:

a)  What factors in your personal life history contributed to you becoming a therapist (or to practice a therapeutic vocation)?  Have you examined those factors or motivations in therapy yourself, as a client, or in a training analysis? 

b)  In relation to your current clinical practice, how do you view your relationship to your clients or analysands?  How does that relationship reflect your own motivations and goals in the work? 
