Welcome to Citrinitas 2024
Congratulations on signing up for the Magnum Opus: Citrinitas Stage.
The Material will be posted and available from the 16th of September when we go live.
Citrinitas will focus on personal relationships and relatedness to self and the world. Below please find a User’s Guide & Introduction for the course, along with a pre-course questionnaire, which you can complete for yourself, prior to the start date, as a tool for self-assessment.
Please complete the pre-course questionnaire below.
Please find the details and joining links for each of the webinars in this course below. Please note that each webinar will be recorded and the recording will be made available here following the live session.
Orientation Webinar - September 29, 2024
This webinar was held on September 29, 2024. Please watch the recording below.
Webinar #2 - October 20, 2024
This webinar was held on October 20, 2024. Please watch the recording below.
Closing Webinar - December 1, 2024
This webinar was held on December 1, 2024. Please watch the recording below.
Module 1: The Four Steps of Transformation - Part 1
Our first module of Citrinitias explores The Four Steps of Transformation. This concept is a key element of Jungian and depth psychology, and part of the process engaged in throughout all stages of the Magnum Opus programme. We will be exploring each step of the process over the next four weeks.
Below you can access both the podcast and the PDF versions of the module materials.
Please Note: The applications are the core of the Magnum Opus programme, and we encourage you to work through these in order to gain the maximum benefit from this course.
Listen to the Application below.
Please read/listen to the lecture before attempting the Application below.
Application Step 1 Podcast
Module 2: Transference and Countertransference - Part 1
Our second module of Citrinitas explores Transference & Countertransference (Part 1). This modules runs over two weeks. See the layout and work per week below.
Week 1: Starting 30 September 2024
Listen to the podcast or read the transcript. Journal your thoughts, memories and ideas in your journal.
Week 2: Starting 7 October 2024
Work through the Applications as per the following guidelines:
In terms of your relationships in general:
- What is the most significant need (value) that is met in (and through) your relationships?
- What is the most significant need that is not met in (and through) your relationships?
- Select and describe between 1 to 3 significant relationship dynamics. We all presumably display multiple dynamics in our relationship and relatedness to others. For the purposes of this application I want you to select just the most typical and significant dynamics you habitably display, act out, or encounter. These are ideally relationship dynamics that are challenging and ones that you would like to gain some insight into and if possible evolve to more satisfying and less challenging relatedness.
I want you to describe in as much detail as possible:
- How this relationship typically gets underway e.g. I am involved in the dating scene and when I encounter a woman in a suitable context , that I am attracted to, I will make my interest known to her by doing X (approaching and chatting to her, starring at her lecherously, ignoring here, teasing her etc.)
- What response is this typically met with e.g. initially the woman I have approached and chatted to responds amicably and seemingly with interest, or Y (whatever the variable Y is here).
- How does this relationship typically develop e.g. it turns into a meaningful long term relationship, it is usually a one night stand, after a short time either one of us loses interest, initial attraction turns into rejection etc.
- If the consequence of the initial encounter is a meaningful and mutually satisfactory encounter then this is not the dynamic you should select. The dynamic we are interested in here is where some obstacle or challenge is encountered that obstructs meaningful relatedness and or your intentions in relating to the other. NB. The example of romance is just an example; the question is not meant to be limited to romantic encounters.
Using the dynamic you have described above, consider the following: what is your
- Conscious communication, e.g. going back to my previous example of dating, my conscious communication may be something like: I am attracted to you; or I am interested in you; or I would like to get to know you better; or maybe just I want to have sex with you, and so on.
- Unconscious communication, e.g. I am needy and insecure please, please like me or at least feel sympathy for me; or I am supremely confidant and irresistible you are very fortunate I have selected you; or you remind me of my mother and she always rejected me; or I am sincere and open and want to get to know without trying to own you or impose myself upon you etc.
- Now very clearly when it comes to describing what your unconscious dynamic is you are called on to speculate otherwise by definition it would not be unconscious. So admittedly a certain amount of inferential speculation and imagination is called for and you very clearly may get it wrong. Nevertheless I want you to endeavor to answer as honestly and as insightfully as you can. The biggest clue has to do with the response to you by the other, what are they seeing, inferring, feeling that is in contrast with your conscious communication?
Module 3: Transference and Countertransference Part 2
There are two steps in this process. You have one week per step, working through both steps over 2 weeks.
Week 1: Starting 14 October 2024
Listen to the podcast or read the transcript. Journal your thoughts, memories and ideas in your journal.
Week 2: Starting 21 October 2024
Building on the work from Part 1, follow the guidelines in the podcast below or read it in the transcript.
Download the worksheet below to guide you.
You can also watch the video series below to guide you through the Application.
Introduction Video
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Module 4: Classic Anima and Animus
This module’s lecture can be accessed as either a PDF transcript, or a podcast version if you prefer to listen. You can download either of these formats below.
Module 5: Contemporary Anima and Animus
This module explores the contemporary Anima and Animus. There is a podcast which you can download, as well as a transcript of the podcast if you prefer to read. Click on the links below to download the podcast or transcript.
The applications for this module are contained within the transcript, but will also be posted on the private Facebook forum for your reference and convenience.
Module 6: The Four Steps of Transformation - Part 2
Available 25 November. This is the final module for Anima and Animus and will run over two weeks.
Application Step 3 Podcast (Starting Monday 25 November 2024)
Application Step 4 Podcast (Starting Monday 2 December 2024)
Resource Document and Questionnaire
Please see the Resource document for suggested reading, Youtube videos and articles. The Post-Course Questionnaire is for you to assess your shift during this course and is required for certification.