Monthly Archives - May 2014

The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other by James Hollis

A book review by Tasha Tollman In the Eden Project, Jungian Analyst James Hollis, examines the psychodynamics of relationships.  Not as a practical guide on how to fix relationships but as a hard hitting examination of the myth of romantic love, the myth that a “Magical Other” will give us comfort from this world, love us eternally, complete us.  As Hollis himself says “It’s premises may be disappointing to some and as a matter of fact I don’t care much for...

A tool to identify your transference: understanding your unconscious communication in relationships

Transference- countertransference, Lacan, Jung Transference as a technical term in depth psychology describes the process whereby unconscious content is shared between patient (analysand) and analyst in the context of their therapeutic relationship (analysis). Although used to refer to this specific relationship dynamic in analysis, transference is a very real dimension of all social interaction, it is by no means limited to the analytical couple (analyst and analysand). This is the third in a series of three short articles I have written on...